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Are there situations in which I will not be permitted to use the flotation tank?We will not allow you to float if you: Have infectious skin or respiratory disorders Have open wounds or recent tattoos Undergoing chemotherapy Have incontinence Spray tans are not permitted at any time in our center Have uncontrolled epilepsy or serious mental conditions Are a high-risk pregnancy Have colored or permed your hair within 10-14 days. More extreme colors may require more time Consult Float Fourty One if you have type 1 diabetes Are under the influence of any drug or alcohol Late stage kidney and liver disease / failure Are under 18 without parental presence We expect you to inform us of any conditions for your own safety and the safety of other floaters! We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.
How are float tanks sanitized?3x Filtration The entirety of the water is filtered through a 1 micron filter a minimum of three times after each float. Skimmers are used to keep the surface completely clear. UV / Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is used as a disinfectant in the tanks – a non-toxic alternative to chlorine and bromine. High powered UV light units are attached to the pump system for added sanitation. Proper Chemistry We rigorously measure and maintain the pH, alkalinity, specific gravity, and temperature of the tanks. The water in the float tank is about 30% epsom salt, which is a difficult environment for a lot of bacteria to live in (the Dead Sea is named that for a reason). Our tanks are likely to have some of the cleanest water you’ve ever been in.
How are Float 41 tanks unique to other tanks?Once you’re inside the tanks, the experience is practically identical in all of them. We have three “cabin style” float tanks, one of them is a deluxe and can accommodate two people at the same time. Our Float Orb is a pod which is a freestanding tank where the cover opens and closes for a “cozier” float experience. All of our tanks are equipped with lights and music. Floating can help people in dozens of different ways, including extreme anxiety, PTSD, depression, autistm and so much more. Talk to Float 41 specialist to learn more!
What do I need to do to prepare for this experience?Most importantly…relax. The tank will help but if you arrive relaxed, the experience will be more beneficial for you. There are a few additional things to consider. Do not shave 24 hours prior Remove your contacts prior to floating (bring a container to store them in). Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours prior Wait 8-10 days if you had a spray tan Freshly colored hair? Wait two weeks to float
Would I drown in the flotation tank if I fell asleep?If you’re thinking about trying out floating for the first time, be aware that it's nearly impossible to drown. Since the water only goes 10 inches deep and has a very high density of salt which makes people buoyant regardless of their size or weight - if anything, this increased our chance at survival because we could support ourselves with just one arm! Rolling over also requires conscious effort, unlike in bed, where gravity does most work turning onto ones stomach. This would require more energy than usual before falling asleep. You will not feel unsafe anytime during the 60-90 minute float, especially since the saltwater would immediately wake you up. One hour of floating could be equivalent to 4 hours of sleep in terms of cortisol consumption.
How long do people usually stay in the tank?The time it takes to truly relax in the tank and reach that “sweet spot” can be as low as 40-45 minutes, which is why we offer 60 and 90 minute float experiences. Our float guides will help you determine whichever float is best for you, and for some people, floating for more than 90 minutes can offer a longer optimal potential.
Floating tips for pregnant women.Pregnant women love floating! There is even a unique position you can float in that relieves all of the weight off your body. Our policy here at Float Forty One is to wait until after the 1st trimester...and all the way up to 38 weeks...we always recommend talking to their doctor about specific concerns.
Do you wear anything in the tank?We recommend floating in the nude. Wearing clothing reduces sensory input and affects restriction. However, we ultimately want you to be as comfortable as possible so being a suit and make the decision when you get here.
Can more than one person float in a tank at a time?Yes!! We have one deluxe float tank which can float two people at the same time.
Where can I find Float Forty One Reviews?Check out over 100+ Float Forty One reviews on our Review Page.
I'm claustrophobic, can I float?We pride ourselves on providing an experience in which all guests can be comfortable experiencing flotation therapy. We have 3 different style tanks at our facility providing an environment for almost everyone's comfort level. Three of the tanks are "cabin Style" built into the wall that are ceiling Hight. One of them is a POD style with a lid that opens and closes. Guests are in complete control of their Float experience, the cabin doors and pod lid may be left open, partially open or closed. Each tank has a smoothing LES light and meditation music to help you make the experience that's right for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask your Float Guide for assistance!
Can I float while pregenant?Yes! In fact, pregnant clients may experience some of the greatest relief from floating—physically and mentally. The added weight and pressure on the mother’s body is likely to cause pain and discomfort, the weightless impact of floating can provide much relief! Many clients report a unique and memorable experience floating while pregnant.
How Can I Purchase a Gift Card?Gift Cards can be purchased online using the link below, you can download and print them or send them to directly to the recipient. You can also come into either of our locations in West Hartford or Cromwell to pick up a physical gift card. Our West Hartford center number is 860-819-2949 and our Cromwell center number is 860-384-0850
What Services do you offer?We have two locations in West Hartford and Cromwell. West Hartford offers Floatation Therapy, and Halotherapy (Salt Cave). Cromwell offers Floatation Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Fire and Ice Contrast Therapy (Sauna and Cold Plunge).
What are the benefits of Floating?There are many benefits of flotation—three of the most significant are relaxation, pain relief and better sleep. A summary of benefits, both Physical and Mental includes: Physical Benefits: Deep Relaxation and Theta Wave Production Increased Blood Circulation Increased Healing Ability Pain Management Increased Immune Function Enhanced Athletic Training Mental Benefits: Stress Reduction Increased Creativity Increased Sensory Acuity/Reaction Time Sleep Schedule Maintenance Feelings of Euphoria and more!

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